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Home > Products > Electric Fires Spares

Electric Fires Spares

Please note that all measurements are taken from the arrow point in the relevant photo.
NB: If help or advice is required before purchasing please call us on 01733 362413
NB: Fire Bar Elements are sold as types suitable for various makes of appliances. Easyspares claims no association with the manufacturers of such appliances.

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Page 2 of 14 204 products found in Electric Fires Spares
GLEN DIMPLEX Infra Red Silica Tube Elements S7D


GLEN DIMPLEX Infra Red Silica Tube Elements S7L


GLEN DIMPLEX Infra Red Silica Tube Elements S7M


GLEN DIMPLEX Infra Red Silica Tube Elements S7P


SUNHOUSE Infra Red Silica Tube Elements S8E


Sunhouse HF25 Type Silica Infrared Glass Element S8G


Sunhouse HF16 Type Silica Infrared Glass Element S8H


BERRY Infra Red Silica Tube Elements S13


BERRY Infra Red Silica Tube Elements S13A


BERRY Infra Red Silica Tube Elements S13D

from £3.50

BERRY Infra Red Silica Tube Elements S13E


BERRY Infra Red Silica Tube Elements S13H


BELLING Infra Red Silica Tube Elements S16G


BELLING Infra Red Silica Tube Elements S16K-S100A


CREDA Infra Red Silica Tube Elements S26E


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